Yes I know I've not been keeping my blog up to date. I haven't abandoned it just not had anything much to say that couldn't fit into a pithy 140 characters on Twitter which is my ranting outpost of choice these days.
Mind you it's not just me; I've noticed a lot of blogs have fallen by the wayside of late. Old Holborn gets paid to blog on blottr (sensible man), Steve over on Natural Yoghurt has hung up his blogging boots and I'm wondering if we might be coming to the end of an era when it comes to blogging. Some might say its because in the spate of a few well-publicised cases we've all become more aware that a careless, throwaway remark will have The Dibble kicking your door in at 3 in the morning and hauling you off for "hate speech" or some other trumped up charge under a law some NuLabour twat farted out of her arse a few years back. Certainly there's little in the way of those whistleblower / what really happens at work blogs left as employers have got wise to that and subtle and sometimes not so subtle pressures get applied; I can understand that having pulled my work blog some time ago
Maybe for some people keeping blogging day after day is hard going for no reward, and it's impressive some blogs have lasted this long.
I'm not closing the blog as I'm sure something will either tickle me to amusement or get me into an incandescent rage that I can't express in a little box on Twitter so keep an eye on the Grumpy Dragon from time to time as I'm sure I'll be back.
Saturday 7-Up
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