Oh what joy. I figured the sky pixie's fanclub would not take the creation of animal human hybrids (blogged about here)lying down and indeed they did not, throwing their wafers and incense burners out of the pram over the weekend they celebrate the nailing of their deity to a plank. And true to form Bottler Brown caves in to the religious lobby because half his fucking cabinet is made up of left footers and would make for a few embarrassing headlines when the house divided and they went through the wrong door.
I am a torn dragon as I do not know which set of bastards to set fire to first. First the wankers in the pulpits spouting bollocks about shit they could not, blinded by their fairy stories as they are, possibly even begin to understand - a cure for alzheimers disease, no you don't want that, it would offend god, you just sit there and fucking drool. Second their placemen in parliament who are answerable not to the people of this country but to the head of a foreign power in Italy. It's these cunts that really fuck me off; to my mind we are a secular country (nominally I know we aren't but we're certainly not a catholic one) and if you have a religious faith you either check it at the door when you walk into the lawmaking chambers or you fuck right the hell out of public office. Frankly I think anyone with a delusional illness that makes them believe in fairies, invisible pink unicorns or a 2000 year old dead man who talks to them is certifiably insane and therefore unfit for public office of any kind whatsoever.
Hmmm... religious and politicians vs. just the religious. No brainer really, take a number bishop O'Kiddyfiddler I'll get to you in a moment.
Look this is really, really, simple. Even Galileo said that "I do not believe that a God who gave us reason and intellect intended us to forego their use" so why the fuck are we not using every tool at our disposal to end the misery of the diseases that afflict us. Hells donkeys even the chief rabbi said as much at the weekend (but then the yids always were a practical people who don't really believe in god anyway). I will make it quite clear that if a cure for alzheimers disease ming even remotely be found by dropping fetuses and cute baby seals into a large Kenwood food processor then so be it, get on with it. What is fucking offensive is people being robbed of their brains by a fucking evil disease and a twat of a child molestor in a robe spouting on that it is the will of his invisible friend that this is so, not a bunch of twatting cells in a test tube.
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