OK so Jade fucking Goody has finally shuffled off this mortal coil and joined the Choir Invisible.
Now can we all try very fucking hard not to turn her into the next pissing Princess Diana. I'm watching the BBC News and every twat on the programme is going on about what a marvellous person she was, what a wonderful mother she was, honestly she was not a racist even though there was all that business with that woman from India and, icing on the cake, we have had some bishop saying what a deep and spiritual person she was who has "captured the hearts of the nation" or some such fucking platitude.
Let's get a grip here. This is someone who is famous for being famous and who made pig shit look like it had a PhD. Sure she died of cancer which sucks but how many other people died of cancer today... let me tell you, based on the 2006 statistics over 420 people will die of various cancers today. 419 of them will not have Max Clifford raking in thousands for the people they leave behind, they won't have some kiddy fiddling bishop eulogising them on national television, they won't be a candidate for the next fucking Princess of Hearts.
Well she has got one thing in common with Princess D, they have about the same IQ.
Philp Says He Regrets Not Repealing Human Rights Act When Tories Were in
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4 hours ago
1 comment:
Harpal Kumar, Cancer Research UK's chief executive, said: "Jade is one of 1,000 women to die from cervical cancer each year in the UK."
I did not know that so many women die each year and 27 years old is so very young, you generally think of old people with cancer. Why so many people have gone to her home to lay flowers and tributes is rather sad and voyeuristic. Maybe funds can be used for a special cervical cancer facility complete with it's own Diana style fountain in memory to the pleb of hearts?
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