Look everyone, ringing a mobile and entering the default "0000" voicemail PIN code does not really count as hacking. I mean its not even script kiddy level hackery. It's just the usual media feeding frenzy of talking shit up to make it sounds really big and scary.
Anyone of course is more than happy to "hack" my voicemail box where they will find plenty of titillating and scandalous messages like "Dragon, it's Mrs Dracunculus here. Can you pick up some milk on the way home" which is probably pretty much what you would find on 99.9% of everyone's mailbox.
However I cannot help but smile at what's happening to that evil cow Rebekah Brooks who, back when she was called Wade, stridently called for mob "justice" and outing paedophiles to the slavering mob; it's rather amusing to see the mob turn against her.
Not that she's lost her job yet although now with Murdoch, who is a cockwallet of the first order but no fool, disposing of the toxic News of the World that threatened to poison the whole of News International can only be part of the solution. I can't see as she could remain with the organisation.
Oh and interestingly the domain "sunonsunday.co.uk" was registered two days ago.
Philp Says He Regrets Not Repealing Human Rights Act When Tories Were in
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3 hours ago
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