If you've been reading this blog for a while you know I refer to my employer as "Banko Di Haggis" (just to keep the HR police from finding it in the search engines) but it's pretty obvious who I'm talking about; the national pariah and politician's whipping boy bank.
And as it happens favourite target of those lovely Home Counties trustafarian protesters and on Monday, whilst our CEO caved in to political pressure from the left and 300 million quid got wiped off the value of the company we all own one crusty arsehole taking a break from his media studies and nail care degree pops up with a tent in front of the office.
Much to my amusement when I left for the day I noticed he (I assume it was a he, didn't want to get too close because of the smell) had a placard pinned to his tent reading "My tent for your bonus".
I should have gone up and walked off with his tent. Because my bonus this year is the same as last year, and the year before that, a big fat nothing. Zero. Zilch. Da Nada.
Oh and no pay rises either. Sure I've built a computer system that made a several million quid and helped save the department from the recent axe and has won industry awards as the best in its class but I don't even get a pat on the tail for being a good dragon. And I can tell you that for the vast majority in the building our crusty class warrior was squatting outside the same is true.
Sure I'm a little pissed, everyone wants more money right? But I get paid pretty handsomely for doing what I do so what the hell, I just won't bother going that extra mile any more (as if I ever did!) and if a better gig crops up I'll probably take it if for no other reason I really can't be arsed with the shoeing we keep getting from the political class and cockwallets like our "99%" friend camping out on the doorstep and tarring us all with the same brush.
And it won't be just me, anyone who can get a job elsewhere will slowly but surely slide away and that pisses me off more than ever because having stumped up the cash to bale out Banko Di Haggis* you would think the government would want it to succeed, turn a profit and pay back all that money rather than turn it into some unprofitable extension of the treasury staffed effectively by civil servants too talentless or idle to get a gig anywhere else.
But then why should the politicians care, it's not as though they put their hands in their own pockets for the bail out money.
They put them in your pockets.
* For the record I think it should have been allowed to fail, even though I'd have been out of work
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3 hours ago
I believe this is the same lot who are now being taken over by the Spanish shower; talk about bad to worse! I have a business account with you, (kindly do not set fire to it) though I would dearly love to transfer it if I could find a dependable bank to use (not the L one, not tne B one.
I think you should claim your tent at the first sign of rain or sleet; wouldn't want it to get wet outside, would we.
I do agree with all you say on this Grumpy. It will take good calibre people to lift the "Haggis" back into profitability and driving out the good guys will not help. Me I awaite the end of the year and the arrival of RDR - the FSA are still thinking about what to do with trail commissions - who knows if we will still be working on the 1st Jan 2013!
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