Apparently the NHS are trialling early abortions in doctor's surgeries instead of hospitals and specialist clinics.
Quite frankly I'd be happy to have early abortions done in Tescos. Just pop down for a tin of beans and have that blob of cells yanked out. Mind you it does open up the question of if you are allowed to use the "mother and baby" car parking space or not.
And what's all this about the proposal to have one doctor sign the consent form and not two. I mean why the fuck is there a consent form at all? I mean you don't have to have a doctor sign a consent form to have your appendix out so what's so special about a bunch of foetal cells? We could be really green about this, have a website which asks "Do you want rid of the sprog? YES | No | Cancel" and your brat-b-gone pills come through the post the next day. Job done.
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4 hours ago
I am curious as to how they define when life starts? In order to justify abortion, so to speak. There seems to be no clear rule as to when this thing is defined as a human.
One of those "Your mileage may vary" things I guess. In the UK it's 24 weeks, different elsewhere.
In my opinion it's human when it can survive relatively unaided outside the womb without masses of medical intervention so twenty-odd weeks sounds reasonable to me.
Mind you if I were in charge you would be allowed to abort up to 16 years post-partum!
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