The Archbishop of Canterbury says the adoption of certain aspects of Sharia law in the UK "seems unavoidable".
The stupid fucking cunt really doesn't get this one little bit. I mean I hold no brief for the Anglican Medaeval Unreality Cult but does this fucktard actually know what his job is? Here's a hint Dr Williams. You're and ARCHBISHOP, not a fucking imam, that means you worship the chap who got nailed to a plank, not the chap who fucked a 12 year old girl called Aalyah. It should mean that in the culture war we have had thrust upon us you should be on our side, not theirs.
Dr Rowan Williams told Radio 4's World at One that the UK has to "face up to the fact" that some of its citizens do not relate to the British legal system.
Well boo fucking hoo. Hey there are goodly chunks of the British legal system I don't especially like but it's the one we have. Look if you don't "relate" to it that much may I suggest you piss off to some third world cesspit where they have a system of amputation and stoning that is more suited to your neanderthal sensibilities?
Dr Williams argues that adopting parts of Islamic Sharia law would help maintain social cohesion.
Look you weirdybeary idiot, it will do no such thing. It will do the precise opposite. Rather than being dragged kicking and screaming into something approaching modernity the towelheads will just be even more ghettoised. And don't give me this shite about "oh it's just for civil disputes and both parties have to agree." What sodding chance does a woman in Islam have of standing up and saying "No, I'd rather this child custody case went before a proper court, you know one where we present evidence that is equal in weight to yours and I might actually stand a chance of winning my case."
He says Muslims should not have to choose between "the stark alternatives of cultural loyalty or state loyalty".
Bzzzzt! Wrong! That is exactly the choice that they have to make. Either you wish to embrace the legal and cultural norms of British society or you remain loyal to your barbarous religion and its dark-age practices. There is no accomodation. There is no compromise.
You take it or you fuck right the hell off.
And if you go, can you take the speccy cunt pictured below with you. He has a beard so he should fit right in.

That piece of halibut was good enough for Jehovah!
A Blasphemer!
Kill the Heretic!
(( Large pile of rocks lands on Old Holborn ))
Hmmm. I sense a trend in irritated firebreathers along the lines of thinking that the arsebishop of canterbury is a silly fellow.
I’m actually welcoming this opportunity to question exactly what the Muslims want in the UK. The golf playing, BMW driving classes certainly are now, bless ‘em.
Demands from UK Muslims seem to be:
Unfettered immigration from mud huts, especially our one eyed, TB infested first cousins so we can marry them and produce more “evolutionary challenged” offspring
Complete and utter submission to Islam by everyone and everything including tadpoles, fitted curtains and moor land grasses.
All your money and your houses and the NHS
You lot out, you filthy Godless infidels – but leave the lights on and the keys in your Mercs.
The right to do anything we like other wise we will be “offended”
All this in the last ten years! Can’t wait to see what happens in the next ten.
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