Sunday, February 03, 2008

They don't like it when it happens to them, do they.

Aw diddums. Some raghead of an MP thinks that he has been bugged whilst visting a terrorist "constituent" who is in prison awaiting extradition.

Let's leave aside for a moment the fact that muslim MPs are consorting with muslim terrorists and the matter of treason for a moment and have a look at what this fellow colleage fucktrumpets in Westminster are saying...

Mr Straw said it was "completely unacceptable" for an MP to be recorded while talking to a constituent.

"I think there will be deep concern on all sides of the House of Commons if these allegations prove to be founded."

"...what has happened is highly questionable."

Thurrock MP Andrew McKinlay said it was "wholly unacceptable" for MPs to be under surveillance.

But it is perfectly acceptable for my progress to be tracked on CCTV cameras everywhere I go, for me to be forced to hand over the passwords for my encrypted communications under threat of 3 years in jail, for me to have to carry around a biometric ID...

One law for them, one law for the rest of us. Shoot the fucking lot of them.

And as for Sadiq Khan, he's a traitor and should be swinging from a lamp-post.

1 comment:

Old Holborn said...

Ah yes, the man who voted strongly for the introduction of ID cards for mere plebs like you and me and doesn't want a transparant Parliament.

I have just offed an email telling him that he is complete and utter cunt and not to cross over a zebra crossing in front of me. Loathsome stain.