Ok so I was given to understand that photos and videos of child abuse were illegal because, well, quite simply chidren are abused to make them and even a libertarian dragon such as I realised that a person's freedom has to be restricted when it impinges severely on the freedom of another, and the freedom not to be killed or raped comes pretty high up that list. So, no problem banning kiddy porn videos from me.
Now what if someone takes an application like Bryce or RenderMan, creates a wire-frame model, renders it and it just happens to look like a small girl in a swimming pool of lard getting it on with a lizard-creature from the planet Zod? Ok so that someone has not so much got a few nuts and bolts loose but rather is missing Screwfix's entire fixings inventory but, get this, NO ONE HAS BEEN HURT. There is no victim, just a bunch of pixels pushed into place by software, therefore there can be no crime, no matter how personally appalled you might be by what the person behind the computer just did.
Well if the rabid control freaks in Za-NuLabour get their way, and they will, it will be a crime. Indeed it would seem that at least one police force during the recent "Extreme Porn" debacle wanted not only sexually suggestive drawings of children banned but also writing.
So everyone of you who has a copy of Nabokov's "Lolita", 3 years in the nick. Guess that's why they have just let out all those muggers and burglars early, they need room for you. Oh and The Koran, The Bible and Shakespeare (Juliet was under 16)... all you lot as well.
No people, I hold no breif for the kiddy fiddlers but this has gone way too fucking far. We need not to be voting these twats out of office we need to be throwing them out, via a twelfth floor window and into the paths of speeding fuel tax protesters in 18 wheel trucks.
This goes way beyond "protecting children", indeed there is evidence that this will actually put more children at risk,1, this is pure and simple "We will control what you imagine and think. You may think of Government Approved topics only" and puts us in the shameful company of Saudi Arabia, Iran and China when it comes to freedom of expression.
Kill them. Kill them all. (and don't forget to bring lots of crimson Prismacolors so you can draw the fountains of blood accurately).
1 There are a number of studies that show that where porn is freely available the rates of sexual assauts and sex crimes generally are lower than countries where it is not. Not conclusive proof but certainly strong evidence for a direct causation.
Philp Says He Regrets Not Repealing Human Rights Act When Tories Were in
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4 hours ago
You can already be imprisoned for your thoughts
Belmarsh has people in it who have never been charged. The Home Secretary just doesn't like the way they think. It's going well. So well, they want to apply 42 days to EVERYONE!
Vote fucking Labour you cunts, or kiss goodbye to your job, house and mortgage.
If she knew what I was thinking, I'd be there for life.
I can't wait for the raids on infant schools when some 4 year old draws a third leg on his stick person.
Bastards. When are we going to see you over at the LPUK.org?
Great word verification!
I do occasionally drop in at LPUK.org and if anyone stands in my area I'd certainly vote for them. After all what's not to like; abolition of income tax, personal responsibility, hunky griffin logo....
Incidentally if anyone over there wants to remodel the logo so the griffin is raping Ms Eagle up the arse before such drawings become illegal I know several very good furry artists who would be happy to take that commission on.
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