I haven't blogged about the election so far because, well, it's as dull as ditchwater and I'm sat here secretly hoping that they could all lose. However I did want to make a point about what's already become, rather predictably, labelled "Bigotgate". It's not that Gorgon called her "a bigot", it's what he said before that, specifically:
Well just… They should never have put me with that woman. Whose idea was that?
"That woman" was an honest old lady who had played by the rules all her life.
"That woman" worked hard in the caring professions, serving her community until her retirement.
"That woman" voted Labour because she believed they offered the best chance of progress for the working person.
And you, Gorgon, claim to lead the party of the working man? You hate the working man, in fact from your comments you seem to hate the electorate, that is the citizens of this country, full stop.
Well Gorgon, I hate you too. No really hate you with a deep, visceral hate; I merely didn't like Thatcher and her policies but you I hate.
Fuck off you evil, lying cunt. I hope you and your cronies and the once great party you lead get wiped of the political map next Thursday.1
Will you be watching the last party leaders television debate tomorrow? I hope you still vote because this alleged democracy is only a veneer and we only get one vote for a representative every four or five years. Would you rather a leader who supports blood sports, a leader who deposits funds from business into his personal bank account or a leader who has made a faux-pas on radio?
That would be the leader who supported two illegal wars, sold the gold reserves of the country at rock bottom prices, supported a "light touch" regulatory system for the city when it suited him, starved the armed forces of the resources they needed to fight said illegal wars, denied us a promised referendum on further European integration, who bullies and throws phones at his staff and who finally slipped up so we got a sight of the real man in a way he could not spin and cover up.
I won't be watching the debate because the very sight of the man makes me want to throw up.
But I will be voting.
Just not for Gorgon's party, obviously :-)
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