"...'Cos I'm leaving, on a jet plane.
Because I'll be buggered if I'm going to fly all the way to China on my wings."
I'm only a little dragon.
Yes I'm off to Hong Kong again. This time courtesy of British Airways as they were 3 grand cheaper than Cathay. Currently tapping this sat in the lounge at Terminal 5 looking out over 09R which is currently in use for take-offs so I am in airplane geek heaven right now. In fact Cathay 002, my last transport to the far east, is just taxiing into position.
So far the "World's favourite airline" experience is quite acceptable. The lounge is nice, busy but not stupidly so, there's free food - I had a quite acceptable small plate of chicken tikka and now I'm in a cosy chair, slurping a very passable rioja, writing to you good people on the free wifi. You know I could get used to this!
Also due to having to fit this trip in around my holidays, other people holidays and (I swear I am not making this up) the Bhudda's Birthday I'm going to be in HK over the next weekend. I'm hoping to get some hiking done - 70% of HK is actually made up of nature reserves - and maybe go over the border into China proper for the day. However given the weather over there at the moment I'll probably end up trundling up and down Nathan Road doing some shopping and then getting piddled with the expats in Lan Chai Fong.
Anyway that's for the weekend. The current plan is:
1) Get tanked up on free booze at British Airways' expense.
2) Fall asleep on plane
3) ????
4) Profit!
PS: I'm staying in the Grand Hyatt in Kowloon which means I get to take the Star Ferry across the harbour which I think will probably make for a damned sight more interesting commute than the 7.23 to Liverpool Street.
PPS: Wonder if there will be moss?
Philp Says He Regrets Not Repealing Human Rights Act When Tories Were in
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3 hours ago
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