Well I didn't mean to get one but I seem to have ended up with an iPad. Let's just say that I went into an electronics store In Kowloon to get a camcorder and came out with Apple's latest must have gismo. My logic in this is that as it isn't available in the uk just yet and as I got it effectively vat free I can try it out and sell it when I get back and maybe even make a small profit.
Present indications are that on balance I might shove it on ebay sooner rather than later. Ok so the screen display is amazingly clear and safari is a pretty decent browser and the control interface is nice and slick but, well to be honest its nothing that special. As the app store won't let me sign up as I have the temerity to live in the UK you're stuck with what is basically a clever portable web browsing tablet. The screen based keyboard is ok enough for one finger typing blog posts and email but you would not want to do any serious writing on it and at 16gig you aren't going to be storing that much on it. Basically, what we have here is an overgrown itouch that you can't load apps onto.
Now where's my proper laptop, I need to log onto ebay
Philp Says He Regrets Not Repealing Human Rights Act When Tories Were in
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3 hours ago
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