Tuesday, August 09, 2011

Haunted by the ghost of Macpherson

So now we cower in fear of a bunch of 100 or so teenage hoodies smashing up the place and nicking phones and tellies.

Well we let it happen, you and I. Sure some black kid got stabbed by a bunch of white thugs and plod make a horlicks of the investigation and so along comes the Macpherson report and lo and behold the police are "institutionally racist" and for years afterwards it's diversity this and kid-gloves that, maybe it needed to happen but it went way, way too far. Then along comes NuLabour with a new law every 32 nanoseconds and anyone who so much as raises his voice at anyone doing wrong or breaching the peace is descended on like the proverbial ton of bricks and hauled away as the miscreant.

"The police will protect you," we were told, "do not get involved, call the police, that is what they are there for, they're trained you see and have been on the relevant diversity and health and safety courses and wear florescent jackets. You, citizen, are not qualified. And don't you even dare think of arming yourself to protect your life, family and property. Trust in us, the police will be there."

Only now we see that Faustian bargain was just that. The police aren't there, they're not going to help, they will not stand there and protect your property or your life. Sure they might trawl facebook when this is over and nick the few mouthbreathers who were stupid enough to put "this is me an' me mates looting PC World innit" photos online but that's scant comfort to the asian corner shop keeper who's seem his livelyhood taken from him by the feral youth that decades of softly-softly policing, lefty pandering to the feckless, celebrity above talent and hard work culture and, quite frankly, not one us feeling we are able to stand up to insolent and loutish behaviour has created.

The scumbags perpetrating these mass lootings don't just think they are immune, they know they are untouchable. There are no consequences, even if caught they'll jet some token community sentence and an ASBO badge of honour.

This has, I would posit, gone too far for any remedial tinkering by our spineless politicians. If we want our communities back we will have to fight for them. What you won't see in the mainstream media today is the reports of mainly Turkish shopkeepers arming themselves with baseball bats and banding together to protect their businesses. Of 400 mainly asian young men fighting off 100 or so mainly afro-carribean youths in East London who were set on looting and causing mayhem. You need the very tools the rioters themselves use to get these stories.

We do have an answer. It's quite an old one, dates back to 1791 and it goes like this:

A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.


Blackpowder said...

Ah the original "Bill of Rights" I could not agree more! The politicians just pick the elements of the bill that suit them and ignor the others. This is the legislation that produced Parlimentary Imunity - they like that so kept it but woe betide you if you try and defend yourself!

I also recall some of Peel's basic Policing principals still taught to all Officers: "The Police are the Public and the Public are the Police". Wonder what happened to this one?

Dracunculus said...

Indeed. All a policeman is is someone who is paid do to full-time what is the responsibility of every citizen to do (i.e. uphold the Queen's peace). The police seem to forget that but are getting one hell of a reminder right now.

PS: Bet you're glad you're not living in Croydon any more!

Blackpowder said...

Yes the Croydon bonfire was not a million miles away from my very first home..... Makes you think.

Mrs B got sent home early two days back amid rumours that it was all going to kick off here. Happily nothing happened but it makes you feel uneasy. You must be pleased that you no longer have to endure London as your home.

Dracunculus said...

Absolutely. All we have to contend with here behind the water pipes in Norfolk are a couple of upset moles or a grumpy weasel on benefits :-)