Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Oining the Ragheads, encore.

Another day, another "offensive" cartoon, another predictable howling from our bearded brethren insisting that sharia law be implemented forthwith and the people reesponsible are "severely punished" for having the temerity to upset them.

What are the whining about now, this...

Fucking hell, I have a three year old relative who can do better than that! Jesus even me with my one fine art neuron could probably rustle up something more realistic. If they want to complain about anything it should be that the Nerikes Allehanda newspaper employs utterly crap artists.


Anonymous said...

Seriously, what is that meant to be?? People got upset about it? Weird.

Dracunculus said...

Its supposed to be the head of the Prophet Mohammed on the body of a dog.
