This utter cuntstain is worried because the UK DNA database, already the largest in the world, has on it the DNA of people who are innocent and, diddums, there are lots of black people on it too.. So how do we remedy this situation? According to this utter lump of knobcheese we put everyone on it!
He said the only option was to expand the database to cover the whole population and all those who visit the UK.
"Going forwards has very serious but manageable implications. It means that everybody guilty or innocent should expect their DNA to be on file for the absolutely rigorously restricted purpose of crime detection and prevention."
Lets leave aside for a moment the huge cost of such an exercise, the enormous delays it would cause at ports and airports, the impression of totalitarianism that it would give to visitors and the knock on effects it would cause to tourism and business (I refuse to travel to the USA where I will be fingerprinted on entry like a common criminal) and the fact that it will never be "rigourously restricted" in a million years and look whose DNA we are talking about here.
It belongs to me, in fact it is what makes me uniquely me. It does not, in any shape or form, belong to the state and nor should the state have any claim whatsoever over it unless in the most extreme case, for instance if I am found guilty of burying a fireaxe in Lord Justice Shithead's malformed cranium. Other than that you can have it when I'm cold and dead and not a second before.
The other problem with DNA is that it's not exactly accurate; you regularly see in court cases where DNA is used that the prosecution will claim that the DNA found at
the scene of the crime has a match to the suspect with a probablility of 99.9999%, say there is a 1 in 1,000,000 chance it could belong to something else. Now add that to other evidence presented in a case then it's good evidence and on the balance of probabilities is it the suspects DNA.
However now we would have DNA being used for primary crime detection. Find DNA at the scene, run it through the computer and, well 60 million people in the UK, that'll be 60 hits. Better kick in their doors at 4 in the morning and bring them all in for questioning. The burden of proof then shifts... we have your DNA at the scene, now it's up to you to prove you're innocent, not the job of the Filth to prove you're guilty.
Usually when this kind of horseshit gets proposed some twatmould will stand up and go "If you're innocent you've nothing to fear from this." I think the innocent have absolutely everything to fear from this.
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