Oh fuck here we go, some silly fucking cow with God on her fucking side has got a gin-sodden high court judge to pander to her family's "Waaahhh! You are insulting our religion" bullshit: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/wales/7529694.stm
Given all the panic about knife crime right now I wonder if the other "K" which Sikhs are supposed to carry, the Kirpan or dagger, is going to be allowed and we can look forward to schools where all the kids in turbans are wandering around tooled up? Didn't think of that one did you you fucking cunttrumpets.
Look this is quite simple, school says "We are giving you a free education out of Little Dragon's taxes. This the the dresscode, like it or fuck right the hell off and pay for your own schooling." no arguments.
I suggest a fightback here folks. All parents should immediately take up the worship of her most Holy Pinkness, none other that the Invisible Pink Unicorn (PBUH). To show proper and devout devotion to Her Holy Horn your children should be equipped with a foot long spiral horn made from the finest Sheffield steel and sharpened to a point. If any one asks the spiral represents the wandering path we all take to Her Blessed Meadows and the point represents goring in the stomach of anyone who dares to insult our faith.
Your children must wear this at all times but especially during rugby practice. Anyone who argues against and we just point to this tuling and intone the Nu Labour prayer "Waaaaah! My Huuuman Riiiights".
Philp Says He Regrets Not Repealing Human Rights Act When Tories Were in
[…] Read the rest
3 hours ago
I thought that the last census managed to get "Jedi Knights" recognised and upgraded an official bothering status so perhaps we can now start work on a decent light sabre to tote around town?
Regrettably not, turns out there might be a few more hoops to jump through to get Jedi recognised as a religion.
However you *can* be a Wiccan and although I long ago handed back my chalice and athame you do have a reason to carry a hulking great 3 foot ritual sword around so that might do whilst you're waiting
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