Oh what joy, the Olympic Games are upon us, a three week extravaganza of people running about very fast and jumping up and down broadcast live at three in the morning from some polluted hell-hole somewhere in China; a showcase of the best that Totalitarianism has to offer not seen since one Herr Hitler had a knees-up in Berlin in the 30's. I can hardly fucking wait.
Of course my compulsory TV tax will be being used to bring every grunt, groan and wobby-boob-in-the-beach-volleyball right into my living room whether I want it or not and just so we get the message that there might be some sport on in China this summer they have thoughtfully given us a trailer to let us know. And here it is...
... fucking hell it's Money, Pigsy, Sandy and that monk who I could never work out if it was male or female as done by that "Gorillaz" animator and set to a soundtrack of someone screetching in a language that sounds like an explosion in a factory that makes springs set to a backing track composed on a Casio VL-Tone
I really don't know where the beeb are coming from here, certainly it's quite an impressive work but the Monkey and his mates are drawn to look like the sort of hoodies who would work you over with a muck-rake as soon as look at you.
Philp Says He Regrets Not Repealing Human Rights Act When Tories Were in
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4 hours ago
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