Now I don't watch the X Factor, come to think of it I doubt the buttons "1", "0" and "3" have ever been pressed in that sequence on the Sky remote so until this morning I had never heard of someone called Jade Richards.
Anyway I stumbled on a little story in the freebie paper The Metro about Miss Richards who has apparently been thrown off this talent show, not because she can't sing or anything but apparently because she's a Satanist.
Apparently wearing black lacy clothes and posting stuff like "I'm so goth I fuck bats" on your Faceache page makes you a Satanist these days.
I will put good money on her never having heard of Anton Szandor LaVey, showman and inventor of the actual Church of Satan (and even that's not really what you could call Satanism, more a sort of night out for your more extreme libertarians). No this is just another nauseating adolescent who had dabbled in a spot of occult lite and is trying to be "edgy"
If she ever met any real theistic Satanists (as I have back in my misspent youth) she would not be fucking bats she'd be squeaking like one; those guys are proper full on scary.
However she's missing a trick here. You've been discriminated against because of your religion love, start kicking off about "respect my beliefs" and shit and haul the producers of the show up before some human rights tribunal. I'm sure that bunch who pay the legal bills of uppity Christians who won't stop wearing crosses or won't marry gays will be happy to fund a religious person like you.
Philp Says He Regrets Not Repealing Human Rights Act When Tories Were in
[…] Read the rest
3 hours ago
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