Rev. Pat Robertson had some interesting thoughts as to why the earthquake struck the impoverished nation:"And you know, Kristi, something happened a long time ago in Haiti, and people might not want to talk about it.
“They were under the heel of the French, uh, you know Napoleon the 3rd and whatever, and they got together and swore a pact to the Devil.
“They said, 'We will serve you if you'll get us free from the French.'
“True story.
“And so the Devil said, 'Okay, it's a deal.’
“And, uh, they kicked the French out, you know, with Haitians revolted and got themselves free.
“But ever since they have been cursed by, by one thing after another, desperately poor.
“That island of Hispaniola is one island. It’s cut down the middle. On the one side is Haiti on the other side is the Dominican Republican.
“Dominican Republic is, is prosperous, healthy, full of resorts, etcetera.
“Haiti is in desperate poverty.
“Same island.
Incidentally Pat, a few dates to chew on: Napoleon III (20 April 1808 – 9 January 1873), Toussaint l' Overture (20 May 1743 – 8 April 1803)
So you can't even get you factual history right you loathsome pig fucking moron let alone the stuff that you made up!
And, pray tell, even if this libel that a few Haitians in the 18th century made a "pact with the devil" why does your "merciful" god decide on collective punishment (even we humans have outlawed that under our rules of war) not on the people who made such a pact, but on a metric fuckton of people living more than 200 years later! Pray tell me, Pat, why your god thinks that this...

... and a hundred thousand other incidents of similar horror, pain and suffering are justification for a bunch of desperate slaves yearning for their freedom making some "pact with the devil"... an event which an eminent scholar (and member of the JC fan club nonetheless) says never happened anyway
although the satanic pact idea is by far the most popular explanation for Haiti’s birth as a free nation, especially among Christian missionaries and some Haitian Church leaders, it is nothing more than a fantasist opinion that ultimately dissipates upon close examination.
- Dr Jean R Gelin PhD
In some ways its a shame there is no eternal punishment after death as Pat Robinson would surely be a shoo-in for having his genitals roasted on pillars of hellish flames for all eternity.
(Hat-tip to The Freethinker:
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