Hey you are the guys that created zombies, right? Well you've got bags of raw material to work with now so just get the magic powders out, see if you can find a chicken that hasn't been flattened by a house to sacrifice and off you jolly well go.
Well I guess Voodoo makes about as much sense as Christianity in Port Au Prince right now. The Christians tell us that God is omniscient (all knowing), omnipotent (all powerful) and, as I can't remember the Latin for "benevolent", hes "omnibenevolent" as well - they keep telling us that God loves everyone, personally and without reservation.
So how come Haiti is a big pile of rubble in the Carribean right now? How come there's thousands dead, hundreds of thousands injured, people slowly dying trapped under a hundred tons of masonry?
If we take this loving god who is willing to prevent evil but does not, then he is impotent. If willing and able but unaware, he is ignorant. If able and aware but not willing, he is malevolent. 1 What he can't be is the the three things Christians claim for him otherwise Haiti would still be standing, it would not have the largest slum in the Northern Hemisphere and I would have a pink unicorn giving me a blow job as I write this.
Its said that you can't prove God does not exist.
I think I just did.
1 OK so I paraphrased Epicurius - sue me.
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