Much giggles on the TV yesterday evening as Al-ja-beeba did its "migrants are good for you" spinfest just down the road from my lair behind the water-pipes in sunny Wisbech (you pronounce it "whizz-beach" incidentally).
Would your average "its all the immigrants taking our jobs innit" inbred swamp dwelling knuckle-dragger do the back-breaking role of a migrant worker shoving spuds in a bag or harvesting asparagus. Look you know the answer is going to be "not a fucking chance" don't you.
OK so the grinning, condescending numpty who "really liked Wisbeach" (no you didn't, nobody does) says they got "hundreds" of applicants from the white working class dolies and sure you had to reject some for being career criminals but out of those hundreds how come you picked the ones who you could pretty much guarantee to not give a flying fuck to even show up for work? I cannot and will not believe that out of those hundreds of applicants there were not some who didn't show up to the interview six hours late wearing a shell suit and nursing a five-star hangover and who would have made a decent fist at the menial tasks on offer. You picked the ones you did because it would make "good telly" and serve the spin of your masters that all things immigrant are good and beneficial.
Look I know we have a real problem with the idle workshy who would rather sit at home like the lad who had been unemployed since he left school who would rather sit at home on the internet1 and his games machine than get off his arse and stop consuming my taxes. I don't have a problem with the eastern europeans working here either, all the ones I've met are pleasant enough and they are paying their way.
No, what we need to do is remove the option of the dole as being an acceptable lifestyle instead of a safety net. You want money off the state because you can't get a job, fine... here's your hi-viz vest and a brush, now get sweeping. What, you can't be arsed to turn up or you walk off the job after ten minutes because "it's doin' me 'ed in, innit"? OK. No money for you. You starve.
Bet after a week of that you'd be begging for a job in an asparagus field.
1 and when filmed on said internet he had a voice over saying "I'm looking for work on the job sites" but had YouTube open in one window and Facebook in the other... wanker.
Philp Says He Regrets Not Repealing Human Rights Act When Tories Were in
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4 hours ago
Could not agree more - my street is filthy and think of the savings in council tax - lets put them to work and soon!
I agree with your post but what really annoys me is that employers have taken on these East Europeans so that they can depress the labour market and force down wages.
I think that's a fair enough comment when it comes to, say, your jobbing carpenter like the two guys who were putting up that stud wall (badly, with nails sticking out) on the programme. I can see there if a builder can hire a couple of Lithuanian chippies at minimum wage then he would over a 9 or 10 quid an hour local which would drive the price for the job down.
However having been chatting to a couple of the locals it appears that agricultural work round here has mainly tended to be done on a casual basis and that in the past it's been regarded as a "top up" to the dole - it's flat as a pancake here in The Fens so allegedly it was really easy to see when the DHSS Stormtroopers were showing up and all the people fiddling the social just ran off - or done by other casual labour like the <strike>pikeys</strike> traveller community. The farmers used to pay piece-work rates but now of course they have to pay minimum wage.
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