What a waste of a day. Didn't manage to get a stroke of work done thanks to lots of sproglets running about and hijacking my PC to watch the DVD of "Happy Feet" which I accidentally let slip at last night's pissup I happened to have on the lappy.
Finally sloped off at half one when everyone else seemed to have knocked off for the day, crawl my way up to Cambridge (no direct trains this time of day) and then have to freeze my little dragony tail off for an hour waiting for a delayed connection only to squeeze onto a short formed train in a scrum which made the scramble for the last helicopter out of Saigon look dignified. I had to breathe on a couple of grannies to get a seat.
First Crapital Disconnect willing I will shortly be home in the lair where I will pour myself a very large single malt and shut the bloody stupid world and all its bloody stupid people out for the next four days.
Philp Says He Regrets Not Repealing Human Rights Act When Tories Were in
[…] Read the rest
4 hours ago
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