Friday, December 01, 2006

A lot of questions asked during a fire

I don't suppose we could have one of these could we Tony?

Nah, didn't think so. Mainly becuase one sniff of something like this would have the human rights lawyers swarming all over it like flies round fresh cowpoo bringing suits for "my client who can't speak English was traumatised and humiliated by this test which was in English"... tough, want to live here learn to speak the language properly, if I wanted to hear poorly articulated badly pronounced english I would ring up my bank's call centre. Also this would imply we want people coming here1 to actually understand and participate in democracy and civil values when of course all governments actually want herds of complant sheeple who will obediently trot out every four years to vote for whoever scared them the most and just shut up and consume for the remainder of the time.

Mind you I think I would struggle to do the sample questions in the test...

Why does the United States have three branches of government?

So someone is around to spoonfeed Dubya if one branch is on holiday and the other is off sick.

Name two rights that are only for US citizens

The right to bear arms and the right to arm bears

Name two cabinet-level positions

Up on the wall or at floor level with a worksurface on top

Name one important idea found in the Declaration of Independence

Great omlettes are made with two eggs, not three.

What does the Constitution do

Given the rate at which the current US administration is trying to tear down every freedom in it I would suggest that it's currently propping up a wobbly table in the Oval Office.

Have a look at this interesting take on it by a bunch of nice boys from the Windy City

1Which I'm broadly in favour of so long as you're coming to work although I would prefer it if the current malignant administration would do something to drag the workshy cnuts away from "Trisha" and into gainful employment first.

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