Conor, bless his little lefty socks, whitters on in a worthy but dull way mentioning why they didn't work in places like Iraq and Bosnia. Now your scaly green correspondent probably would not be able to make a living for writing for The Grauniad as his reportage would probably come up a bit short on the wordcount. Here is my copy for the same article...
No fly zones are designed to stop these...

The bad guys in Sudan get around on these...

So unless they have managed to create some of these...

... you need a "No Ponies" zone, dickhead.
(incidentally I think "Janjaweed" has got to be the best name ever for a militia... whenever I here it I get the vision of a bunch of blissed out rastafarians sat around going "Mon, I and I will go and do a bit a genocide, just as soon as I and I have smoked some more 'erb")
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