For this

(They have still to get around to managing to genetically engineer a functioning pegasus so it's either one of the other at the moment)
Like all horses they are prone to picking up intestinal parasites so I have to put strange chemicals in her food every few months to make the nasty bugs go away. Only today I read that the latest way of getting off your face of a saturday night is to drop a bunch of animal wormers, specifically ones containing piperazine.
First off all I had a lovely vision of clubbers shoving a big syringe into the back of their mouths and pulling lots of horsey grimaces whilst depressing the plunger and then being rewarded with a carrot.
Then I started worrying... am I giving my mare this stuff and, as soon as my back is turned, she's over the fence and throwing some shapes to radical beats with the horses in the field next door?
Would explain why she seems to be permanently asleep during the day...

PS: Got my first flame ... well guttering candle really. Take a look at the comment in the "Moral Compass" post below.
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