... and I did not speak out, for I was not a smoker.
Then they came for the drinkers,
and the little green dragon finished that nice bottle of Barolo,
fired up the lappy and went positively apeshit.
I fucking hate this fucking government. I mean just who fuck do they think they are.
Look you cunts, I will make this perfectly clear to you. This is my body, mine. Not yours. It is not the property of the fucking state. If I want to stick chemicals into it so that it explodes that might not be very wise but it's my choice so to do. I won't even be a burden on your crappy heath service (hey, I have some respect for my body and really don't fancy coming home with a free bonus c.difficile infection) as I have private medical insurance, and I still have to pay the NHS jizya tax.
So for you twats to go and tell me that I shouldn't be having a glass or two of wine of an evening, and more start having a go at a respectable business trying to offer me a decent deal on this perfectly legal product (which incidentally you have no problem in taxing) is indicative of the level of presumption that I have only come to expect from wankstains like you. Listen, Mr Denham, a retailer does not have to be "responsible" in the "light of the Government's alcohol strategy", Tesco's responsibility is to its shareholders (including me) and to its customers (ditto) and not to whatever Blair has farted out of his scabby arse this week. The concept of "freedom" just passed cunts like you by didn't it. And get some balls, Mr Tesco Man, if someone is buying five tins of SMA every week, why the fuck shouldn't you send them a voucher; you were far to nice to that NuLabour creep, you should have stabbed him in the arse. I'll cut you a bit of slack though because Mrs Dracunculus got a fiver off the shopping yesterday thanks to the clubcard vouchers.
You know what I'm going to do next week. I'm going to get into my nice big polluting 4x4, drive to France and fill it with as much wine as I want (and fill up on cheap diesel whilst I'm there). Then I'm going to drive back and wave my big dragony dick at the customs men as I come through Dover. Lots of nice wine for the dragon to drink and not a penny piece to NuLabs coffers.
Fuck the lot of you.
Philp Says He Regrets Not Repealing Human Rights Act When Tories Were in
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3 hours ago
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