You might remember that back in 2001 there was a national census and for the first time it asked you what religion you were and many of us went "feck you arseholes" and wrote in "Jedi" just for the lulz.
This time around there's a campaign I think I'll be supporting. Basically you just say "None of your business" on the optional (so far) question about religion. The original census was in 1801 and was for the purpose of finding the number of men of fighting age (we were fighting Napoleon at the time) but governments of all stripes just love information about their citizens, knowledge is power. And the more they know about us, and this information extracted at the barrel of a 1000 pound fine, the more powerful they feel.
I would be tempted, sorely tempted, to write "FUCK OFF" in nice big red letters on the whole form and let them see if they could get their database to accept that. However not having 1000 quid to burn I guess I will stick to saying "None of your business" on the religion question and see how many others I can tick "Other" on or just simply "forgetting" to answer some questions.
I would urge you to do the same.
Philp Says He Regrets Not Repealing Human Rights Act When Tories Were in
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