Whilst on the subject of new year resolutions one I'm making a booze one this year. You maybe know how it is, end of the day you come home and crack open a bottle of wine to have with dinner with Mrs Dragon. You're having a nice time and oh dear wine's finished, maybe we have another little glass...
... next thing you know, and it is the next thing because it creeps up on you when you're not looking, you're drinking a bottle of wine a night, every night, and maybe a nightcap or three at the weekend. I did a little tot up the week before and I made it 75 units. Now I know the government pulled those unit limits out of their arse but even I can realise that that's a bit too much and if I keep this up my liver is going to be applying for a transfer to the ghost of George Best.
So I think a bit less wobble juice would be in order.
Philp Says He Regrets Not Repealing Human Rights Act When Tories Were in
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4 hours ago
1 comment:
75 units is one hell of a score! You are right to moderate your drinking. I enjoy a beer as much as the next man but my workplace has random breath testing. Even scoring just one point on the device will be recorded. The legal limit for driving is 35, the company limit is 20 but anything other than zero will be recorded against you. Therefore to safeguard my position I only drink once a week at the start of my weekly rest period. Saves the worry, any risk to my health and no nagging from my wife. Maybe the way forward for you is to only drink at the start of your weekly rest period.
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