OK so I didn't make a blog post yesterday and I guess that means I broke my resolution on day four. It's OK, the alcohol one isn't going that great either.
In my defence however I did try and make a post on the way home from The Netherlands on the pride of Stena's fleet, the Stena Brittanica which since its upgrade to a "superferry" (which I suppose means it can leap bulk crude carriers with a single bounds) boasts "free WiFi"
Well yes and no. It did have wifi, my iPhone found it just fine and after about three minutes managed to log on but after that pretty much zip, it didn't even manage to load Google's home page. Not to worry, they have four or so computers in one of the lounges, I'll use them. Nope, same thing, only with added disgruntled fellow users complaining that it would be faster to send mail by carrier pigeon. OK so it's satellite internet and having got that installed myself I know it's pretty sucky in poor conditions but there was hardly anyone on the boat and at this point we were still very firmly roped to Holland so there's really no excuse.
OK so a bit of an inconvenience but no great drama, it's a night sailing so I'll just go to the bar, down a Heineken or two and go to bed; if I'd have been on the daytime sailing though I'd have been more than a bit miffed.
Still I'm thinking of having a moan and seeing if I can get a discount next trip.
Philp Says He Regrets Not Repealing Human Rights Act When Tories Were in
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3 hours ago
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