Friday, June 24, 2011

How about a "Just Sod Off" button?

This little gem popped into my mailbox the other day (you'll need to click on it to see it properly).

Quite clearly it's missing something, the "Look will you just sod off and leave me alone to do my job. That's what I come here for, I do the work and I get paid. I'm not here to "engage" with the organisation that's trying to look all responsible and cuddly in the community, I'm not here to tick some middle manager's "look I got my staff to support the official Banko Di Haggis charity" tick box for his next appraisal. I turn up, wrangle code and I piss off home; end of. Now bugger off out of my in-box" voting button.

And anyway you don't want to deprive the grumpy dragon of his morning coffee. No seriously, don't. I breathe fire.

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