There seems to be a big fuss in the "Blogosphere" at the moment that for some reason has leaked out into the mainstream media for some unknown reason. Basically what's happened is that somebody was blogging pretending to be a lesbian in Syria protesting at the government and it turns out that it was really some bloke in Scotland making it all up. And now someone who ran a lesbian website with the truly awful name "LezGetReal" has been exposed as a straight bloke and not really "Paula Brooks" who wore comfortable shoes and really liked watching tennis. Here's al-ja-beeba on the subject
Anyway everyone seems to be getting their panties in a bunch about this, how it's "deceitful" and "harmful" and other bad things ending in "ul". Er guys, this is the Interwebs here? What on earth made you think that everything on it has to be true? I think the problem here is that a lot of people using Teh Intertubes have become conditioned to think that it's all real. Nothing could be further from the truth; I'll bet that a good proportion of websites and blogs are at the very least "embellished" versions of reality if not out and out fictions (call them "exercises in creative writing" if you like). The (in)famous website 4Chan has a banner over it's famous /b/ section which reads "The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact." Maybe that should flash up on everybody's browsers when they open them up.
However I can assure you that I really am a very well disguised small green dragon and I do live behind the water-pipes in Norfolk. Honest. Would I lie to you?
Philp Says He Regrets Not Repealing Human Rights Act When Tories Were in
[…] Read the rest
3 hours ago
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