Today is the summer solstice, the longest day of the year. My little iPhone app says the sun comes up here at around 4.30 local time.
I am so pleased that I stopped being a Wiccan. Back in the day come the solstice I used to have to haul my arse out of the sack at three in the morning and stand on a hill in a park in South London with a bunch of other fellow numpties offering thanks to a large ball of burning hydrogen 150 million kilometers away.
Yeah like it cared... "Oh thanks for that guys. I do appreciate it that you like me fusing these atoms together and making all that light and heat. In fact I'm so happy I'll carry on doing it for another year."
Ah well, at least most of the folk were OK, some good times were had and we didn't fuck anyone's life up or tell you what to believe and if you didn't Epona would come round and leave horse-poop in your letterbox and you would be condemned in the afterlife to toil in Her underground carrot mines. We were deluded but harmless deluded, bit like the elf guy.
I still got up a stupid o' clock mind you. The dogs needed walking.
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