Monday, November 26, 2007


I'm not sure whether to be happy or get torching-random-bastards angry about this...
Tony Blair avoided talking about his religious views while in office for fear of being labelled "a nutter", the former prime minister has revealed.

Well it is encouraging that the British people rightly regards anyone who persists in the mass delusion that is the sky pixie is at the very least a bit unhinged and therefore not someone we would trust with the launch codes to nuclear weaponry but what ticks me off good an proper is that this lying, cheating sleazebag was quite happy to keep quiet that he was reading his bible, chatting to his invisible friend and then deciding to send thousand of young men to their death because "God told him to".

I am convinced that anyone who shows even a shred of religious belief should be, a priori debarred from holding public office of any kind. A religious belief makes you impervious to logical argument because, in the end, God trumps everything.

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