I see over on the beeb some MP with not nearly enough work to do and obviously rattled that Plaid Cymru are getting a little too close to winning his seat 1 has made an appeal for the close harmony singing and sheep worrying vote by suggesting that the flag of Wales (that's the one with the big hunky dragon on it above) be incorporated into the Union Flag.
Errr.. right. So something like this then

That's nice, very dragony. Rather too much red though.
Well as the union flag is a mash-up of the saint's flags of England and Scotland maybe we could incorporate the flag of St David. Well the only problem there is that it is a gold cross on a black background and even to me with my one colour neuron2 I can see that this is going to look hideous with the red white and blue we already have.
Anyway I have a suggestion. Seeing as we can't use the saint's flag idea on grounds of offences against colour how about we use the heraldic animals of each country, the Welsh dragon, English lion and Scottish unicorn. Just to make it interesting and royally piss off the religious right how about we commission a good furry artists like (NSFW) TOR or (very NSFW!) Furronica to do a really eyeball-melting spooge fest three way dragon/lion/unicorn orgy picture3 and we can put that on our flag.
Run that up the flagpole and I'd salute it.
1 Turns out he doesn't even have that excuse as he got nearly double the votes of his nearest rival representing the Lib Dems. Just another publicity hungry politico then.
2 Which is why I was such a failure at being gay. Oh the sex stuff wasn't a problem but I can't come up with a colour scheme for redecorating the house to save my life.
3 That'll get the Google referrers pouring in!
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