There's a company on the net called "Bad Taste Bears" who sell, well, teddies that you might not want nine year old Sudanese children to take home to their mothers.
I reckon that they are missing a trick here and that with all the kerfuffle in the land that gave us the whackiest named militia ever that the market is most definitely ready for a Mohammed bear complete with turban, brood drenched scimitar and teacher's head. Hey why not have a range, you could have a Aalyah bear in a burqa or an Ali bear with a koranic verse green bandana on his head and wired up to a load of explosives.
That said I would be really curious to know just how much of my taxes went in foreign aid to Sudan last year1 and given the outrage that is about to be perpetrated by the representatives of the "religion of peace" again just how much will go there next year.
Let me tell you the answer to the latter had better be fucking zero or else some politicos are going to get shoeing.
1 £350,000,000 apparently. Fucking hell someone pass me a machine gun.
UPDATE: Mo the bear is up for sale on Ebay due to "a change in the school curriculum".
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