Right, the tinsel is down, the tree is lying by the woodshed and awaiting dismemberment into kindling and logs and everyone can go back to eating proper food instead of one of Bernard Matthews' flavourless turkeys ("now with added H5N1!")
And as it is the new year our lords and masters crawl out from under their slimy rocks and try to persuade us with their "new and fresh ideas" that they know what they are doing and to trust them with yet more of our money which they will "spend wisely" and you know that they are just going to piss up the wall just like they did the last lot.
We'll just skip right over anything spewing out from the gob of any Labour party politician as you know it's going to be elephant shit of the first order by default but instead let's have a look at the latest idea from TheBoyDave which you can read about on the beeb's site here
Well it's a start I guess but it doesn't go nearly far enough which is par for the course really. Doing a bit more of a dig into the story it looks as though what is being proposed is the same model as was used in New York and which did take a goodly number of people off the dole but didn't save a whole lot of money in the end - and remember the USA has a system where your unemployment benefits end after a fixed time; no sitting on your arse in front of the Jeremy Kyle show in perpetuity over there. In the end when you look at it what the Tories are proposing is a bit of window dressing which is probably going to cost more than it saves but we might get the occasional tidier park and some favourable headlines in the Daily Mail1 but you know, you just fucking know, that the workshy cunts who this is aimed at just won't turn up or if they do won't do any work or it will be of such abysmal quality that some other poor fucker will have to fix it later and there will be no sanctions or penalties against them - this is after all a government operation.
So here is the Grumpy Dragon solution to unemployment...
You get three months to find a job and you must prove that you are looking (records of letters sent to employers, notification letters for interviews, etc.) and after that if you want money from the state (i.e. me) then you work for that money and you are made to work properly, in other words you are treated as a proper employee and if you fuck up too often, don't turn up for work or consistently do a shoddy job then you are "fired" and your money is cut off. You'll get a couple of days off every other week to apply for jobs and attend interviews and, trust me, after a few days working on what I have in mind you will be applying for anything at all to get off the state dole.
Draconian? Yes of course it is, I'm a dragon.
Next week - fixing the disability benefits system by shouting "Pull yourself together you fuckwit" at people.
1 Or not... today's headline is some cack about that dead airhead princess we used to have before she got in a car with a pissed up frog.
Philp Says He Regrets Not Repealing Human Rights Act When Tories Were in
[…] Read the rest
3 hours ago
Nice to see you're back again. Any chance of the other blog getting resurrected again?
Probably not in its old form but I might post the odd work thing on here as and when my project manager does something else of brain-melting stupidity.
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