Apparently the state want to own your corpse after you die. Well rather they wish to strip it of any useful bits to give to whomever they choose once you croak. So now even when you die the taxes don't stop as they literally take a pound of flesh from you.
Now I've no problem with organ donation. I carry a donor card and am on the register as "help yourself to any bits that might be handy, I'm not going to need them any more." and it's nice to think that physical bits of me will live on when I'm not around - and to whoever gets my willy you are going to have a *great* time with that, but probably best not to ask where it's been.
What I do think whiffs though is that the state just thinks it can do whatever the sweet fuck it wants with our bodies. This is yet another example of how governments, this government in particular, has got it's relationship with citizens arse first. Let me explain this to any politico reading this in nice simple terms. We appoint you to do things which are best accomplished collectively rather than individually: enforcing property rights, defence, that sort of thing. In order for this to work we give up a minimal set of liberties to you. What we have not done is hand over all our liberties to you for you to hand back to us piecemeal as and when you see fit.
So my body remains my property and once I have breathed on my last moron or one of those pesky knights manages to land a lucky shot my body will pass on to whomever I fucking well want it to. It does not and never will be the property of the state.
Maybe I should add a clause in the organ donors register that nothing of mine may be given to anyone who has stood for political office.
Philp Says He Regrets Not Repealing Human Rights Act When Tories Were in
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3 hours ago
This is where a major misunderstanding comes in. Organs for transplantation are NEVER taken from dead bodies. You have to be alive, albeit brain dead.
The State does not own me. I carry a donor card and will burn it the minute the State decides I am a spare parts inventory.
I guess "Brain Dead" is as good as dead. Kind of "you would be dead but this machine is keeping your body going but the curmudgeonly dragon we knew and loathed is no longer with us"
But I'm with you. So long as it's voluntary I'm there. Soon as the state says "your corpse is ours" I am joining the zoroastrians and leaving instructions for my body to be left out to be devoured by wild beasts.
Which given where I live means grass snakes, rabbits and the occasional passing fox may take some time.
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