Now I've been upgraded to a twin on the 29th floor which has a view, of sorts

apparently I was originally assigned the 8th floor which would have probably given me a view of someone's laundry hung outside their apartment window.
For some reason this room comes with a complementary small pot of moss on the desk.

I do not know why the management felt it necessary to give me some moss. It's probably lucky in Chinese tradition or something.
Anyway as I arrived on Sunday I thought I would take a little sightseeing trip up to The Peak where you get a good view of HK. So I took the old tram...

... there it is, very old and a rather fun ride as it climbs at a 48% gradient at one point but unfortunately by the time I'd queued up and ridden to the top it had cooled down enough for the clouds to reform so what I was supposed to see was this...

... and what we all at the top saw was this...

Not quite the same.
So I retired to Lan Kwai Fong for a beer or two... apparently it is traditional to get your picture taken by the road sign so here are some people taking a picture of someone by a road sign.

Work tomorrow.
Perhaps they thought you were from Manchester and wanted to make you feel at home? Moss Side !!
I think it they wanted me to feel like I was at home in Moss Side they would have just organised a drive-by shooting and tried to sell me drugs.
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