OK so I'm prepared this time and also on a good position on the sober - rat-arsed axis so I figure what the hell.
I thought the Neptune II was a one off, nah, every bar in Wan Chai is stuffed to the gunnels with scantily clad Thai and Philippino women, quite a few of them hanging off the arms or sat in the laps of balding, tubby, 50-something year old white blokes including one guy in a flat cap who was, and I swear this is true, the spitting image of Bill Oddie. All kind of sad really but I'm not sure for who. It was the same in the other two clubs we visited as well, balding guys and Asian birds looking downright bored. After a while I made my excuses and left, I wanted to check on my moss which I had strategically placed at a very particular angle and place.

It had not moved! The moss was no longer mobile!
I did try making a tree out of it later on with the orange pencil for a trunk but that didn't work out very well. I just hope I've put the moss back in it's little white pot correctly or I'll probably be in trouble with the Hong Kong Moss Police.
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