Well at least Cameron inhaled I guess. Look I really could not give a monkeys whether the future (in his dreams!) prime minister smoked crack, worshipped Satan or enjoyed the carnal company of hippopotomi whilst at Oxford2 so long as he's honest about it. However all this "Oh I have the right to a private personal life" is utter shite.
Look you dickwad, it's not as though its bad enough you acting like a cheap knock-off Bliar but you clearly fail to realise that you will be representing us poor bastards in parliament and will be passing laws that directly affect how I live so I think that we have every right to know just who you are, and yes that means knowing about your past. It's going to get found out anyway so you might as well come out and say "Yes, I smoked a bit of weed when I was a student; everyone did. The fact that I know what it's like to get stoned out of my box and go on a munchies binge at 2am means that I can at least speak from a bit of experience when talking about drugs." Hell you never know you might even get a bit of respect.
Hmmmm, "Respect". Do politicians still know what that word means?
1 Translation "Where did you hide the Pringles and peanuts you stupid bloody daisy"
2 I know I did.
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