Now that's going to work. Not.
Tell you what, whilst we're at it why don't we hook up satellite tracking to that "Star Wars" tech that Ronnie Reagan was having developed and if a peedofil goes within five kilometers of anyone under the age of 16 he gets zapped by a space-based gigawatt laser.
Hope that the stupid bint who edits The Sun doesn't read this or that idea will be in the next Queen's speech as Gordon Brown (texture like sun, lays me down, with my cash he runs - and spends it on Iraqis) as he frantically chases the chavvy lock-'em-all-up-and-throw-away-the-key vote.
Mind you on the peedofil panic, at least we had someone, and a chief copper at that who normally talk complete horsepoo, saying something that actually made sense - to of course the predictable howls of anguish from the Tyrrany of Children brigades who would probably like nothing better than to wire everything male over the age of 12 to the traking laser of doom mentioned earlier.
Philp Says He Regrets Not Repealing Human Rights Act When Tories Were in
[…] Read the rest
3 hours ago
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