In case you don't know Torchwood is the beeb's Dr Who spin-off series which is set in the present in Wales with a "UNIT" like organisation running about sorting out aliens in our back yard. It's post-watershed so they can show a bit of gore, flash a bit of naked flesh and say F**k without the asterisks. However it is very firmly billed as Sci-Fi.
Now to be fair the first few episodes were pretty tasty. Good effects for the budget, a cast who can act and good storylines. Unfortunately the wheels came off this week1 and we ended up with some lame plot that looked like the bastard offspring of "Deliverance" and "The Hills Have Eyes" - I half expected to hear a Welsh version of "Duelling Banjos" (Duelling Harps? Duelling Close Harmony Singing?). However comparing it to those films overrates last night's episode which was more like a Herchell Gordon Lewis film (in fact it did rather resemble "Two Thousand Maniacs" come to think of it.)
Note to the BBC - this is supposed to be Science Fiction - you know that stuff that has things which are not of this world or set in the future. What you gave us last night was a horror movie - and a crap one at that.
Oh and whilst I'm here; Russel love, I know you're gay and all that but please can you knock off all the "love interest" stuff as well - we're all SciFi geeks out here and we're not interested in that romance bollocks. If we were we'd watch Sex In The City or Friends or something else girly. I mean take a look at the "Fan Comments" on the fansite I linked to FFS! There's loads of chick-lit TV about so for the Invisible Pink Unicorn's (PBUH) sake please go back to giving us TV geeks can watch!
1 I get my Torchwood of a Wednesday evening - I'm busy on Sundays.
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