Unless you have been comatose for the last couple of days you probably have not escaped the human freakshow that's been on the TV - no not "Celebrity" Big Arsewipe, I'm referring to the wiedness that is the kid with the brain of a three month old that it's "loving" parents have submitted to surgery to stop it ever passing through puberty; oh and removing its uterus in case the nasty peedofils get to their "pillow angel" (barf!) - guess they must have seen Brimstone and Treacle at some point in the past - hey why not perform a caslick procedure at the same time - that'll fox 'em!
Opinion in the MSM seems to be divided along the "this is a good idea" and "this is a barbaric interference in her human rights and is tantamount to child abuse". What no-one is saying as far as I can work out is "Why haven't they just let the poor bastard die?" Hell's teeth, it quite obviously has no quality of life, no cogniscence beyond "I am/am not in pain" and will never, ever recover or progress beyond lying there staring up at the ceiling when it's parents aren't dragging the poor little fucker round theme parks and pretending to themselves that their basket case is having a good time (no, she isn't, she's now in pain because of the noise, light and unfamiliar sensations that she will never, ever understand)
We treat animals better than this, we would not let a dog or a horse live in such misery let alone perform painful invasive surgery unless the individual was unspeakably cruel or mentally aberrant.
Just do the decent thing and put her to sleep. You can have a good cry afterwards (and probably keep tending the grave by leaving teddies and related tat at regular intervals) but you'll be happier and I know that the kid would be - if it even knew what "happy" was.
Philp Says He Regrets Not Repealing Human Rights Act When Tories Were in
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3 hours ago
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