Oh my God, twenty gay bears armed with horse dildos have just come round the corner!
Amen brothers. At least there are some people in government, at cabinet level no less, with a bit of gumption to stand up to our closet catholic prime minister who would like nothing better to act under orders from an ex-nazi in Rome (who incidentally may well have tried to shoot my grandfather when he was an anti-aircraft gunner in the Hitler-Jugend (the pope that is, not my grandfather who was, as far as I know was trying to drop bombs on the future pope in 1945)).
What this comes down to is "We have an insvisible friend who talks to us and we follow some ancient book (well, bits of it anyway) that says we have to hate bum bandits so we don't want the law to apply to us." Well I happen to believe that catholic priests, especially the paedophile ones, deserve setting on fire but you don't see me going whining to the government for an exception to the laws on Arson to apply only to Dragons because setting fire to people who so richly deserve it is a deep and ingrained part of my draconic heritage! This one quite clearly fails the "Jew" test - that's the one where you take the word "homosexual" out of what Cardinal Faghater O'Murphy is saying and substitute the word "jew" and see if it makes you feel uncomfortable. The very worthy Pub Philosopher has a good take on it here that's way funnier than I could write.
Mind you given that it would seem that a goodly number of the leaders of this organisation seem to have a rather unhealthy interest in children (and their top management has a record of trying to hush it up) I do find it rather ironic that the organisation is even allowed to run adoption agencies. The xtian church is dead keen on sheep and shepherd analogies but that does rather seem like putting the wolf in charge of the flock.
Anyway for any readers reading this who think that an invisible man in the sky talks to you and who are upset that you're not going to be able to be mean to gays any more I have some good news for you1. If you just skip forward one verse from Leviticus 18:22 that you seem to have become fixated upon you will find that there's a whole new group of people that you can hate. I'd get a wiggle on though because give it twenty or thirty years they'll change the law for these folks too and then you'll have to let Mr Jones and his lovely wife Dobbin the Horse adopt a kid from you as well.
1 I would also reccomend a course of antipsychotic medication as voices in your head telling you to do stuff is a symptom of schizophrenia - I'm told that Largactyl is very good.
"Worthy" - no-one has ever called me that before!
Richly deserved sir, IMHO.
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