Here's Ken Clarke telling us ner, ner, told you so about how his "Dangerous Dogs Act" was "watered down" and "needs strengthening".
Bloody hell Ken, you were a prize wanker when you were in government and you haven't changed a bit. I don't suppose in the rarified circles he flounders about in that he's realised that when someone refers to a knee-jerk, ill thought out, tabloid-led piece of legislation they'll often call it "another dangerous dogs act". Look you stupid dog-hating cunt ANY dog can be dangerous - the most vicious dog I knew was a liitle short-haired terrier. Are you going to advocate banning every single breed of dog that takes a nip at someone, enforced neutering of all dogs, criminalising every citizen who has so much as bought a tin of Chum?
What an I saying... of course you bloody are. After all we're just the public, we can't possibly be trusted with something like a dog, we might hurt someone with it.
Here's what you do. Scrap this stupid law right now, everyone can own any sort of dog they want and hey, why stop at dogs, let people own bloody huge lions and tigers if they want. But what you do is make sure eveyone takes a test to show that know how to control their animals and keep them safe and have the wherewithal to do so properly - no pass, no pet. And if Snugglywoofles the pitbull-rottie cross chomps through the head of some cute tot1 you get fined to Christmas and back.
Sensible but that means actually trusting the citizens you govern, and that would never do for a washed-up old tory hasbeen like Ken.
1 Not that the sprog in this case fit this critera, judging by the picture that pitbull did the gene pool a favour.
Philp Says He Regrets Not Repealing Human Rights Act When Tories Were in
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3 hours ago
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