Right, so they were just slogans were they. Bloody hell my wierdybeardy friend you have just got to get yourself a new defence lawyer because that has got to be the crappiest plea in Christendom*
Anyway you twat, should you not be standing up for your religion and denouncing the court for having the temerity to even consider bringing a holy warrior such as yourself before the beak and yelling that we infidel will all burn in hell once Osama Bin Liner has got around to blowing us all up? Nah, you're a like little pissant scoolboy looking all shamefaced down at his shoes and mumbling "sorry sir" after he's been caught because you're now looking at six of the best (or two years in chokey in your case - personally I think we should take a leaf out of the Bumper Fun Book of Sharia Law and chop something off... I would suggest we start with his dick but he obviously doesn't have one).
You, sir, are a craven coward, your religion stinks like a week old fish and your prophet was a paedophile.
I don't mean that of course, it's just a slogan.
* Whilst it still exists.
Philp Says He Regrets Not Repealing Human Rights Act When Tories Were in
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