Oh this just rocks so hard my tail hasn't stopped wagging all morning. The last post I made has been translated into German.
"Mürrischer Drache". It just sounds so much better in German.
Even if your German is as appalling as my two years of Höchschule Deutsch go over to "My Automotive Information" and give Henry some traffic. And Henry, consider yourself "ein ehrend drache" (an honorary dragon) forthwith.
Oh and the whiny God-botherer picked up on the traffic spike too and did a post saying what an unhappy soul I must be and requesting prayers for my blackened, twisted soul which I suppose is better than the last Christian I upset who threatened to feed me my teeth (I think she's forgiven me but I'm not flying over Colorado any time soon just to be sure!)
Philp Says He Regrets Not Repealing Human Rights Act When Tories Were in
[…] Read the rest
4 hours ago
Actually, that is quite funny. I thought it was you that had translated it - I didn't realise your blog was being ripped off by someone else!
Love and prayers,
Whiny God-botherer
Colorado is safe and you know it.
I finally got the pics up of our ponies. They don't pose, that's for sure (sigh) but I think they'll do.
Christ is in our midst!
Cheers Mary-Leah, and great pics of the ponies. Mine refuse to pose as well :)
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