Well that was my week off done with. Dog didn't make it (boo!), friend came over (yay!) and I totally failed to do even a half of the things I had planned which is about normal for me taking time off.
Anyway today finds me on the lovely Stansted Express as I dropped my friend off at the airport this morning at very early o'clock and rather than drive the rest of the way in I took the fast train. All fine in the morning as it was me and some half asleep commuters we picked up at Bishop's Stortford but this evening's train is packed with people you expect to be going to an airport served by Ryanair, EasyJet and a host of other budget carriers. Actually kind of reminds me of my student days getting the boat train out to Harwich for the ferry (you never see student inter-railers on that boat any more, guess everyone goes by plane now).
However this would not be a Grumpy Dragon blog post without a nark so here it comes.
Lots of plod and pretend plod milling around on the platform for the train and stopping people. Fair enough, the ragheads are trying to kill us all again so we have a heightened sense of security.
However what do we know. We know that all the current bunch of people were middle eastern followers of the "Religion of Peace"; of this much we are certain.
So can you explain to me why the four people who were being stopped, searched and of course filling in the racial profiling form were:
* A white man in his 50's in a business suit.
* A young black woman with a baby in a pram
* A Caucasian student, eastern European by his accent
* A bag of salt and vinegar crisps.
OK so maybe not the last one, but certainly nobody who looked, you know, a bit, well, muslim.
Here's a tip. If you are ever stopped and they ask you what your race is, tell them to put "other". It fucks up their "see, see, we don't do racial profiling, honest" figures and if everyone stopped complying with this piece of NuLabour shite we might be able to free the plod up to stop and search those who, on the balance of the evidence, would be more likely to be wandering around carrying explosives and looking for a few dhimmis to personally introduce to Allah.
Philp Says He Regrets Not Repealing Human Rights Act When Tories Were in
[…] Read the rest
4 hours ago
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