I see one of the islamonutters who tried to blow up Glasgow airport before being given a good shoeing by a baggage hander has finally croaked. Mind you, as a dragon I know that 90% burns to one of your victims will normally do that, (especially if they are wearing full plate metal armour which is a terrific heat conductor). What I did find interesting is that this guy had an engineering PhD. Bloody hell, where were you studying, the University of TellyTubbyLand? You would have thought that with that level of education you'd have worked out how to detonate a fuel-air mixture.
Still it's a bit concerning that someone with that level of education in a scientific discipline can still believe in a bunch of dark-age fairy stories and think that he's going to get his 72 virgins1 when he blows himself up.2 (By the way what do women suicide bombers get, 72 bars of chocolate?) Normally a good education and exposure to the scientific method clears up the mediaeval brainwashing we call religion after a few years but I guess the indoctrination was pretty deep in his case plus he was probably the sort of saddo that could only get laid if he got his virgins for blowing himself to bits.
Anyway to any islamonutters reading this, I'm on the lunchtime Cathay Pacific to Hong Kong a week on Sunday so don't even think about trying anything between now and then or, trust me, 90% third-degree burns to your body are going to be the least of your problems.
1 Incidentally I was reading recently that the "72 virgins" thing is, surprise surprise for a holy book, a mistranslation and what you're actually getting is "72 raisins of crystal clarity". Must be a dreadful dissapointment when your young jihadi turns up in paradise and Allah says "well done my son, here's your transparent fruit".
2 By the way what happens when you make a cock up of martyrdom, do they pro-rata the number of virgins you get or something? If so I can Picture the following happening when Kafeel Ahmed rocks up to the gates of Al Bustan:
Kameel: Allah be praised, I have finally achieved martyrdom.
Allah: Well yes, I suppose technically you do count as a martyr. But you're not a very good one.
Kameel: Maybe, but I get my virgins now?
Allah: Er, well given that you didn't actually kill any infidel, didn't die in the act and actually broke my rules about suicide, I can't let you actually have the full 72.
Kameel: What then? 71?
Allah: (Shouts) Archangel Mustapha, do we have any goats left?
Mustapha: Yes boss, we've got one left.
Allah: Is she a virgin?
Mustapha: Of course boss, I never laid a finger on her! Honest!
Allah: There you go Kameel, welcome to paradise.
Kameel: Bugger.
Allah: Exactly what I was thinking.
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