Well that's the trip over. Presently I'm sat in the biz class lounge at the airport making full and free use of the free internet as getting on the net this week has proved more of a challenge than expected given the utter pantsness of the work lappy which refused to talk to the hotel's network - I found the hotel had two (I counted them, twice) PCs for guest use only last night when I made the "Tired and Emotional" Wan Chai post... it actually wasn't that bad really but I'm leaving it up as an object lesson in not to post when bladdered.
The trip has actually gone very well to be honest (see work blog soon for more details if you can be arsed). Met plenty of nice folks and went out most nights to places a lot more congenial than the Neptune bar of last night. Scored a very nice camera for a lot less than I'd have paid in the UK too.
Only think I didn't have was any chinese food; I had pretty much everything else and it was all good. I did manage to finally get a pork bun and some noodles... in the noodle bar of the Cathay lounge about 15 minutes ago.
Not sure that counts.
Travel blog over... Your favourite green scaly dragon will return to swearing at politicians and throwing rocks at the McCanns next week.
Chep Lap Kok airport
Philp Says He Regrets Not Repealing Human Rights Act When Tories Were in
[…] Read the rest
4 hours ago
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